A Simple Website Design Guide For Landscaping Companies

Given that creating landscape designs is a large part of landscaping businesses’ work, we think they, more than most businesses, will appreciate the need for top-class responsive website design. While landscape design and website design are two completely different skills, the fact that both need to be completed to satisfy clients is one common factor. As for the website design that a landscaping business has, it certainly plays a massive role in how well that website converts visitors to prospects who contact the company for more information or to request a landscape design quotation, hopefully. Website design also significantly influences how well websites rank in search engines such as Google. Good rankings can mean a flood of more traffic, and low rankings mean just a trickle. So, with good web design having such an impact on how your landscaping business might perform based on its effect on visitors and the amount of traffic it receives, we thought it would be helpful to highlight some web design basics so that you and other landscapers reading this who feel their website is not ticking all the boxes have some avenues to pursue, especially if you ask a web design agency to revamp your website. Optimising Your Website’s Structure One of the core principles of a successful website design is having a structure that works. Although this will differ somewhat between website types and what the primary purpose is, there are some core common elements. These include a Home page, a Privacy page, a Terms and Conditions page, an About Us page, and, importantly, a Contact Us page allowing visitors to get in touch. A Page For Every Service And Every Location A big mistake some landscaping websites have is they have every service they provide listed on one generic page and do likewise for the locations their business targets. The website should instead be designed with a single page for each service and one for each central area. Doing so multiplies the number of opportunities to rank for searches for these services and sites whenever they are typed into the search box on Google.
